Monday, 5 April 2010


Had a fantastic Easter, visited the IKON GALLERY in Birmingham and saw the fabulous work of Sue Collis. I wasn't feeling it at first until I got down on my hands and knees and saw how beautiful the craftmanship of her work, truly beautiful. She simply makes the 'ordinary extrodinary' each piece needs close scrutiny and what you discover are precious metals, stones, gems making up what seemingly are everyday marks, nails, paint splats etc. It really is worth a trip and the IKON has a wonderful ambience, with helpful enthusiastic staff.

Loved Ron Terada's "Soundtrack of an exhibition", my friend and I sat on beanbags and listened to some amazing tracks mesmerised by the film of a beautiful turntable, a homemade playlist can tell you so much more about a person than a signature. We were stunned when we got to take home the vinyl!

I was bought a wonderful gift from the IKON(thank you), Repro Depot Pattern book it's a book of folk patterns that comes with a disc, should be a great little tool for my Indesign work.

Today I am back on my press, I have two prints for my friends daughters and then onto my own lino work. I am still trying to get to grips with my press as this is only my second day of printing with it!

Finished my commission last week and I am pleased to say I received a lovely text saying how much her husband had liked it, phew! always a nervous wait when you are trying to create someone else's idea.

I am planning a new website and will let you know when it's up and running!

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